The recording light is on

I’m seeing from your eyes

a moving x-ray inside your body too.

Your sweat smells like mine.

Our connectors sprout out

cords from skill to art

fitting into strangely shaped

synaptic swirls of

improbable possibility.

The sound of your voice shows me.

The empty places between words

Where your pathways are on fire,

a maze chess game, but

you’re not a traditional player.

Now you can follow me.

I could heal you

if you would let me

unsettle you.

I know I promised an update on my adventures in the UK so here it is...I'll continue with my adventures since I left Odense, Denmark on my way to Finland.

Even though I had my choice of Stockholm or Copenhagen, I chose a flight to the UK because an old aquaintance had an empty guestroom only during the first part of my trip. Once in London, it was a little tricky to work the pay phones with my phonecard numbers, but it was more tricky to get in touch with my friend Dan.

Sorry this typeface is so small, but I can't change it if I want the special

characters to show.

I arrived in western Denmark after a night crossing ferry

ride. Before it started raining, it was artistically interesting

activity to stand in the upper decks and look at the people walking by

from above. It was more like having a cruise-ship ride. The best part was

coming into the harbor of Esbjerg - someone had made four monolithic

statues to greet me.

Well, looks as if I really do get to go across the

“pond” to Europe after all.

There was a little scare when I called around looking

for an old address that I had for “Airhitch,” the

stand-by not-for-profit outfit that buys up the extra

seats on planes to get people like me to Europe for

cheap. Airhitch informed me that they only deal online

now, rather than having a fixed address. Whew! I didn't

have enough money to go if it wasn't for Airhitch prices.

Lately I've discovered a hospitality network that advocates peace through "home visits." So in a way, it's like dialogue in that you are invited to get to know people through what could become very personal contact under a codified umbrella of manners.

Right now, I'm the traveler, the gypsy, the lover, the best friend who is coming to visit.

What fascinates me is how I can project an image/mythology unintentionally to others who don't know me very well. For some reason in a certain era of my life, other people kept imagining that I was unpredictable, when I'd then had the same phone number for over twenty years and am a "pillar of my community" with a local business.
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