I love dreaming while I sleep and remembering them is a wonderful gift. Also, I love science fiction and fantasy my whole life. These two interests have been going on for a long, long time for me.

Since it's my birthday, I thought you might like to read something from my distant past. Here is a dream I had when I was only a little girl:

When I was almost five I had a very prolonged fever that made my parents very worried. As I was lying there half sleeping and half out of it, I had a fever dream.

I notice that it is when I'm "purposeless" that I often have the most creative intuitive flashes. It's when nothing counts that can often solve the purposeful problems I'm having to deal with at other times of my life, be they current concerns or ways of regarding my past experiences. So I've learned that intentionally making time to "suspend time" as a quite useful and enjoyable experience, aside from the value of doing it in the moment. A time when time is suspended, a timeless time.
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