I was talking to an old boyfriend of mine who was telling me about a book he has about couple's compatibility. This author made a gross classification of the way people generally make priorities in their lives. Here is a pic illustrating what this author terms "dynamic" and another person he would term "connecting."

Dynamic people put actions first. They like to accomplish tasks. They like status, appearances, accomplishments.

Connecting people always put other people first. Their first priority is how people feel and they love to talk about it.

With this description, I'd say the culture in Hawaii is a connecting culture. Everything happens here because of who you know and how they feel about you. Whereas, on the Mainland US, the culture there is a dynamic culture.

Many years ago, I had an old German & Australian shepherd mix who lived to the ripe age of 17. During this dog's last few years of life, I had also adopted a few cats, one of whom had a very uncatlike attitude. Most cats have self-involved and often quite self indulgent little personalities, but this particular cat had a very unusual attitude toward others.

I eventually ended up calling this cat Squeeker.

"You were saying something about seeing what happens without doing anything - in fact, a lot of Alexander teachers mention this - but there is something about this that I really can't understand."

Your habits are in charge of keeping things the same. Lots of people can tell after something has changed - but only a few can sense change as it is happening - and describe what is happening as it is going on.

As a topic in general, good questioning has many examples in every field. It pays to study the process of questioning as a separate subject, as if you were going to design an FAQ for your skill. Not only can it make you a better learner, but a better teacher.

If you are a teacher, you know there are multiple advantages about encouraging questioning from the start. Questions from a student show a teacher their student's range and style of thinking.

I'm actually heading to see the love of my life. Glad to be escaping Bolinas at a time when everything had to wait to bloom at once so late. Already wishing that I could stay longer.

My sweetie has a really nice place for me to stay on the Big Island of Hawaii so I can recover from the stress of hayfever for a little while. I wish that my landlords could figure out what I'm supposed to do to have a roommate so I could stay longer, because spring was so late this year.

"The way the self is rearranged from within. How would you describe the difference between feeling self rearrangement and imposing that arrangement to one's self?"

By asking the question that way - you've got bits of the answer. It's how go from one to the other that you want to learn to do in a new way.

How do you "get" something you know? Perhaps it's a kind of filing system that you use to go and "get" an experience again.
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