I'm Back! After A While Being Away
A couple of weeks ago, I just finished my projects that I flew back to the mainland to finish. My yearly project is now at the printer's being made and will be done in a couple of weeks, hopefully. My sweet friend Tammy Lehman is going to be the volunteer distributor while I'm gone. I've got myself a "new," used computer with a humoungous hard drive, etc. Generally, it has been a very hard-working and successful two months away from Hawaii. But I'm chomping at my bit to fly home anytime soon now!
At least I have some time to update this blog again. I wonder if anyone missed me while I was away?
Since it seemed to be the time of the year that everyone else was wanting to fly and prices were high, I bought a discount ticket with http://www.airtech.com/.
At least I have some time to update this blog again. I wonder if anyone missed me while I was away?
Since it seemed to be the time of the year that everyone else was wanting to fly and prices were high, I bought a discount ticket with http://www.airtech.com/.