One of the characteristics of "Angelhood" is senselessness. It seems that often, when they are embodying what it means to be an Angel for someone else, people do things that don't make sense at the time. But somehow people who act like angels find ways to sustain the motivations that come to them intuitively that may only make sense in hindsight. "Angels" must do these things with a faithfulness that their actions will make sense - and maybe an action will never make sense at all. The ability to do "Angelic" things for others is something that happens sort of "accidentally on purpose." I'm sure that you can think of this happening in your own life at some time; here's a story about how this happened for me...

Finally our Hawaiian car is being fixed at the mechanic's today. After being without a car for a week and a half, it's been challenging for Chris. He's managed to make enough money to fix the car without having to spend it on gas, so that's how there was extra money, strangely enough. He also managed to work some extra hours with an electrician.

Evidently Chris has been surreptitiously investing in his boss's business to the tune of about a hundred and fifty dollars a week paying for gas.

Today I'm helping my friend Tater start her new blog. We've run into some troubles uploading her images to her new blog. I'm not sure why it won't work, so I've uploaded the image here to show her how it will look.

Tater is a very prolific artist. She's just learning to write cursive. It's really fun to teach such an already accomplished artist to write script; writing script is something that I do easily, so it's a pleasure to teach it to someone.

Like my musician friends here, tacit agreements coming from a shared subculture can sometimes give the conviction of bonding by how easy it is to “read” each other's intentions and needs in the context of circumstances. The challenge in tacit agreements is to make ways to determine how much it matters if the agreements are or are not done, so another tacit agreement can be substituted or created to take the place of an outdated one.

Was feeling really geeky today because I spent lots of time tweaking my website at

My ISP got maliciously destroyed, so I was really thankful that I had backups for most of the different parts of my websites. But I did lose all my webmail for my address, as well as my address books.

So, if you have written to me there, please write me again so I may have your email address that I do not have any more.
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