Definitely there are occasions in adult life where it is useful to go into "direct absorb" mode and not filter learning through language.

Take for instance learning any movement skill, such as juggling...playing on a pinball machine, pool, golf, the directing of Alexander Technique, or a skill that involves another language such as playing a musical instrument.

What I prefer to determine, as an adult, is if this person I might be learning from is "worthy" to be absorbed in this completely open way. Then I deliberately open myself to them - as wide as possible and - take them and the skill in. There is no dividing line.

It actually happened not long ago for me. I was visiting a fellow collegue of Alexander Technique to trade work with him.

A good question came in as a comment in my last post...

Exactly how specific people come to decide on ideals that guide courses of action is fascinating to me. As I become close to people who reveal their core experiences to me, I have observed that these core experiences that guiding ideals come from are some extent cultural and based on training, and to some extent they can be petty, disillisionist or self-seeking, which must be compassionately understood as the human condition.
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