Today I did the outside of a classic car dealership that I've been decorating every year for the last thirty years. There was a windowpainting contest in the area, with prizes. Sadly, both the car dealer and myself didn't know that we had to register to win - and we would have won because we were the best!

The next one below is a detail of the one above. I did the lettering with three different colors of markers, outlining on both sides with shadowing.

Sometimes I get to make a picture of something besides classic holiday stuff. Like this bird...

Got my markers and paint smearing equipment together. Now I'm on a mission to mess up people's windows for this year's holiday season. Yesterday did a really fun Santa on a bike for the Fairfax Cyclery. The guy who owned the store had the novel idea of trying to get more in trade for the cost of his window. So far, nobody has taken the bite, but he got a really nice Santa on the BMX. My apprentice Denise held up the bike while I drew it on the window.

Now, it is November and I've flown off from the Big Island of Hawaii to mainland California since after election day. My objectives are to clean up my act and to paint up windows for the holidays.

Last week, I've already done a holiday window for a game store in Concord, CA. They deemed that having a winter scene with Bilbo Baggins in it would be suitably festive for the holidays. They mused that perhaps the same fantasy scene would do for attracting attention the entire year.
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