A characteristic is of genius is fascination. Investigating different psychological systems that attempt to explain and group human nature has been fascinating for me. What gets grouped and what characteristics are considered mutually exclusive is curious. IMHO, there is always an exception where the person who does not fit the categorization marries the opposition that has been defined as exclusionary, (talent for memory and visualization included.) Generalizations must be drawn in personality description systems such as these, which obviously must exclude the unusual. The goals of these systems to include as many people as possible in their descriptions of human nature are indeed heroic.

How do you perceive? Well, you just do it. That's an inadequate answer, so I decided to do some thinking about this.

Perhaps the way I teach people to observe themselves would be relevant to making up a language for perception. It's my business to be teaching people to perceive what they take for granted by teaching Alexander Technique. I use the often ignored kinesthetic sense as a medium, rather than the visual or auditory...but maybe we can cross-pollinate with it.

A lifetime of struggling against the status quo tends to beat creativity out of people. Isolation is a dream-killer. Innovators must fight to get their most brilliant solutions accepted, and the when acceptance comes, others take the credit. Let's imagine the opposite.

Let's say it's a given that we have an audience of self-selected innovators with a high level of operacy in the real world.
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