Really fun to do a detailed window like this. Inspired from various coloring books, but the hatted sleeping moon is all mine. You can see the real thing at the San Rafael IHOP where 3rd and 4th St.

The part that is tricky for me is how to reveal my own underlying values. In myself, the deepest values often are taken for granted and are completely obscured.

It is only in an extraordinary situation when I am paying attention that I can sometimes catch that a "good question" has been asked that could become quite valuable to me. Usually this value needs some thought to reveal it's meaning.

What is the difference between an intuitive hunch and a prejudice? This is one of my virtual questions that I enjoy asking.

It's curious to me how each and every perceptual attitude that someone can adopt seems to have alternate ways of describing it. These descriptions, definitions and interpretations seem to color how the subject and person is defined to express another bias or prejudice. Some can get quite...colorful, with pointed accusations.

In honor of deva spirits and witches everywhere, I made a witchy nymph. The face sort of looks like mine, doesn't it? That was an accident...

What you don't see in this picture is how I had to splint and graft two pieces of the stick into one to get the witchy nymph to have arms as well as legs. 

While I was doing so, I was thinking about how many of us wounded healers there are, partially broken... How many there are who have had to go from being broken to making themselves whole again.

It is a fact that no matter how much "better" your sensory judgment gets,  you are always going to be using your senses in a 'relative' way.  'Absolute fact' doesn't exist. It's not how people are wired. We're made so that we get used to being whatever we have learned, so what is new can get our attention.

A generous friend gave me a futon mattress that had been in storage too long and went to the trouble of re-building a bed stand for it so my bed is now off the floor. But the mattress was moldy, even if it wasn't apparent at the time. Going to the trouble of cleaning it, putting it out in the sun didn't seem to make any difference. With the assumption that cleaning it needed to be done a different way...

I was thinking about Independence Day, about independence in general. If you're familiar with the concept of "Co-Dependence," it seems to me that many counselors, (who supposedly have wisdom about the nature of "healthy" relationships,) have merely elevated independence to a state of Co-Independence.

After living alone for awhile, it seems to me that a state of inter-dependence is preferable to independence. Tomorrow I'm moving into a living situation with a friend of mine.

A kid and a Jehovah Witness came to my door last week. Before they started in with their religious invitations, I engaged the youngster in learning to juggle. He was a kid of around ten years old. Because I'd given him something of value in learning juggling, the kid wanted to give me a booklet that was a digest of their bible. I took it and read some of it.

People seem to have a really hard time thinking for themselves. They're not practiced at thinking on demand at all, especially when asked to think about what is missing. You really can't demand that others "think outside of the box" without at least one example right on the spot of what that is. I'll see if I can use words to point out how it's possible to think beyond language.

The easiest example is an experiment. Get out the video camera and film people walking.

In my past, because I worked as a sign painter, I was in the position to be responsible to design the logos and presentational graphics for numerous businesses that were just starting out. The first year or so of being a sign painter, there were a few shop owners, clueless to the effects of why they were choosing a certain style to represent their business image, who did not take my advice.
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