Belonging, Support & Acceptance
Here's a continuation of some more that I have to say about relationships, in honor of Valentine's Day weekend...
As the situation continues where the tacit agreements evolved, the relationship continues on an even keel. For most people, some major life change intervenes requiring both to determine exactly how and what the "family" is going to do that can accommodate changes. Usually by that time, the issues and struggles of character of each member of the family have become pretty obvious to each of them. Every strategy for dealing with life has its drawbacks. When problems occur, it's important to remember, respect & accept that these drawbacks are coupled with significant strengths in other situations.
As the situation continues where the tacit agreements evolved, the relationship continues on an even keel. For most people, some major life change intervenes requiring both to determine exactly how and what the "family" is going to do that can accommodate changes. Usually by that time, the issues and struggles of character of each member of the family have become pretty obvious to each of them. Every strategy for dealing with life has its drawbacks. When problems occur, it's important to remember, respect & accept that these drawbacks are coupled with significant strengths in other situations.