Give and Take - Maybe an Offshoot Blog?
One of my ideas about blogging on so many subjects has been that themes would emerge by themselves. As I saw this happening, I reasoned that I could sift out the posts related to a certain theme and use them to start a targeted blog subject. A new subject seems to have emerged! Having written so extensively on this subject, I have decided that I should collect these posts into a separate blog that specializes in this subject alone. This post contains a table of contents of the various posts I've already written on this subject, collected for your pleasure. (The ones that don't have links are subjects contained in other posts.)
Reciprocal "give and take" is so essential that I've decided to collect them into the subject of a new blog - to be announced.
Reciprocal "give and take" is so essential that I've decided to collect them into the subject of a new blog - to be announced.