Outside Language
People seem to have a really hard time thinking for themselves. They're not practiced at thinking on demand at all, especially when asked to think about what is missing. You really can't demand that others "think outside of the box" without at least one example right on the spot of what that is. I'll see if I can use words to point out how it's possible to think beyond language.
The easiest example is an experiment. Get out the video camera and film people walking. Then ask them to describe what they actually did as they walked, and have them look at the video of themselves. Or ask people to demonstrate a skill and teach it to someone else in a way other than how they learned it. Most people can't describe the making of art in words.
The easiest example is an experiment. Get out the video camera and film people walking. Then ask them to describe what they actually did as they walked, and have them look at the video of themselves. Or ask people to demonstrate a skill and teach it to someone else in a way other than how they learned it. Most people can't describe the making of art in words.