Actually, I find the opposite strategy of slowing down to be a productive strategy. Except at my current pace, it seems that I'm slowed to the point of irritating productive, functional people. I've been accused of being passive-aggressively slow, which is not what I intend.

I do feel a bit self-righteous when I'm driving exactly five miles over the speed limit and I still hold up a line of cars behind me. I can feel the anger of those who are tail-gating me. Then we pass a cop car and they all fall back, obviously thankful that being behind me while I was driving slow prevented them from getting a ticket for speeding fifteen miles over the speed limit as a matter of course.

If you've always been confused about music theory, this book will make it understandable. If you've written music by ear and don't know what you did, this book will give you the tools to be a better composer and communicate with other musicians. If you're worried about how to pass your college level music theory class, this book will rescue your ass. If you were afraid to open the can of worms about delving into music theory because it's too complicated, this book will be your Rosetta Stone.
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