When I was sixteen, I made an agreement with my mother to smile more often. Because of our bone structure, we have a mouth that turns down because our lower jaw is a bit small in relation to our skulls. This makes it look as if we're frowning or are being seriously judgmental when our face is at rest.

Not long before she died at fifty-four, my mom was starting to become upset about becoming older. She pointed out that her face was now sagging, making her down-turned resting face frown more noticeable. Her face looked so much more beautiful when she smiled anyway, so I suggested she learn to smile more often and she agreed that doing that would be a good idea. But she needed my help.

Although two people may share a particular value, say - "mutual respect is important," exactly HOW "respect" is shown - that is demonstrated with a cultural sense as well as an individually assigned meaning. Important differences in assumptions about the priority of values are revealed in conflict and mismatches that can be quite educational.

The way a value is expressed will reveal content as well as unique meanings.

Well, what is Genius?

I would say that the ability to combine details or characteristics that most of the rest of us have passed over is a mark of genius. Insights can become, with some work to make it happen, into being a new synergistic synthesis. A person who sees whole systems where nobody else has seen them before - who can put these things together to do something that could become valuable - that is my definition of a genius.

Colleagues in my Alexander Technique community were talking about how various Eastern disciplines involving movement commonly use a concept about "centering."

Bruce Fertman blogged:  http://peacefulbodyschool.com/2013/04/21/on-the-grounds-of-modesty/ and he also wrote:

Just thinking out loud. yes, there is a geometric center. Instead of a circumference you could think of your periphery. or you could see diVinci's man in the circle and the square and conceive of a geometric center.

When finding spiders in their house, many people go to the trouble of taking them out into the garden rather than more easily killing them. Doing such a thing makes me feel that I'm doing a bit to accommodate how humans have eliminated the habitat of so many other species. Here's a mysterious thing that happened when I did something like that...

While driving across country by myself in the summer of 2001, I stopped to camp in Colorado in Dinosaur National Monument.
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