Pareidolia and Genius
Well, what is Genius?
I would say that the ability to combine details or characteristics that most of the rest of us have passed over is a mark of genius. Insights can become, with some work to make it happen, into being a new synergistic synthesis. A person who sees whole systems where nobody else has seen them before - who can put these things together to do something that could become valuable - that is my definition of a genius.
That quote by Ken Robinson that says something similar? He's actually quoting Edward de Bono. It's a trade secret of creative people to keep your sources private. Makes you seem really, really smart as if you came up with it on your own.
I would say that the ability to combine details or characteristics that most of the rest of us have passed over is a mark of genius. Insights can become, with some work to make it happen, into being a new synergistic synthesis. A person who sees whole systems where nobody else has seen them before - who can put these things together to do something that could become valuable - that is my definition of a genius.
That quote by Ken Robinson that says something similar? He's actually quoting Edward de Bono. It's a trade secret of creative people to keep your sources private. Makes you seem really, really smart as if you came up with it on your own.