Turning Judgments to Productive Questions
I'd like your feedback. I'm writing a series on Using Judgments. I need your suggestions on how you find this section on turning judgmental questions into meaningful ones. I'd like to hear how it could be better organized or edited for your understanding and needs.
(If you would rather listen than read, you can also download this podcast for later listening to on your device from this link below.)
But you don't have to take the time to listen, because here's the hard copy of the content of this practice recording above I made...
So far in this series on using judgment, we were discussing why negative criticisms work and offered tips on how to use people watching to develop courage and observation skills.
(If you would rather listen than read, you can also download this podcast for later listening to on your device from this link below.)
But you don't have to take the time to listen, because here's the hard copy of the content of this practice recording above I made...
So far in this series on using judgment, we were discussing why negative criticisms work and offered tips on how to use people watching to develop courage and observation skills.