I have quite a few friends who are passionate and feel responsible to become activists. I am thankful that questions opened by serious issues have inspired involvement and activism on a whole new level.
But really, I hate politics. It's an arena where cultural cliche`and manipulation is at its worst. I do not listen to the news on purpose, because of the sensationalism. I regularly impose a "news-fast" state for myself, mostly through music listening - often music without words.

Becoming burnt out on the subject of politics is the challenge and trap of activism. There exists no verifiable feedback that anything you do really has an effect, because you have only one voice.

The only drawback with my self-preserving, protective urge to isolate myself and refuse to be involved at all is that it IS interpreted as a sort of silent endorsement or mandate that I accept the prevailing coercive state of affairs. That bothers me.. A huge loss of rights is exactly what happened when the public was lulled into submission that everything was going OK or they just too busy or needed to protect themselves from being concerned with BAD topics. A wake-up call about how bad things have gotten is exactly what has made people riled up now enough to urge others to become politically active. This "riled" state isn't very pleasant - it's angry...it's as if I am the target of an emotion that's just "blowing off" randomly without being directed to whom is really responsible.
Obviously, this anger/activism needs to be more effectively directed. Really what bugs me about activism on social networking sites like Facebook is people are merely "preachin' to the choir" and imagining they are making some sort of difference = which is EXACTLY what serves whom activists object to who are in power!
So, as far as politics goes, I prefer to target certain specific issues that involve my deliberately selecting a directed effort. This way, I determine what I will and will not do. AND I'm more likely to really DO those things. My actions that I've very selectively decided to DO then become invested with personal meaning. These actions become for me a symbol of my ability to act as a citizen.
Then, because I'm in action, I can surrender my hopeful expectations of these actions and just do them as a discipline, without seeking evidence that I am being effective. Because I'm in action, I can protect myself from becoming overwhelmed by the desperate calls to action of my friends who are casting about, trying to DO SoMeTHiNG.
As an example of an effective action, I like the suggestion: put the numbers of your representatives in your phone, Call them weekly as a discipline, after asking your political mavens to let you know what needs to be complained about. Done.
...but it is up to you to decide what actions can have meaning for you, of course.
I also want to suggest all my activist friends to join www.brax.me. There we can plan our political strategies and interact without being under threat of very REAL public surveillance that exists everywhere else online... Because if activists do start becoming really effective, then you will become a target!


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I've been watching a 24 year old guy on YouTube who's interviewing older people he meets randomly and asks them how old they are and other general questions about what it's like to be the age they are.

I thought I might answer some of these here, now that I'm older myself.

If I answered the first question about my age, I don't think my answer would be useful to many people because of the unique choices I've made about how I wanted to live my life. One of the best things has been that I've avoided getting addicted to "adult" type pastimes. I've only had to deal with getting paunchier from not knowing how to deal with what might be unique dietary issues. You cannot imagine how much respect over the years I've received from those who got to know me - all from not having adopted vices.

This is this phenomena that my best friend refers to as "Beer Thinking."  But I imagine it's better explained with the term, "Productive Procrastination." 

For instance, I bought these "desert boots" to walk on this road pictured above when it's raining and muddy. These boots need to be sprayed with some Rustoleum concoction that seals the leather so rain and mud roll off of it. I haven't done it yet, because it needs to be pre-sealed before the final treatment.

I write by hand quite often.

Mostly I do so because I enjoy it.

WOOFer Warnings

There are some worldwide hospitality membership clubs that seem to work to forge some interesting scenes. But watch out for the model of accepting temporary work using the "WOOFer" model!

WOOF stands for "Workers On Organic Farms". It evolved because farmers couldn't pay the prevailing wage to keep its workers there to do the farm work required.

Why doesn't "no" mean "no" when a guy propositions a gal?

Guys don't understand what's going on when a woman is afraid of a man who seems to has the potential to get angry at a woman for rejecting him personally.

Coming home from college in the mid 1970s, I was riding in the back of the bus at night when I heard a man going through the pockets of a lone sleeping child with a knife, ripping the pockets of the kid's pack and coat. Rather loudly, (which could be explained because of the sound of the bus) I started talking about anything to distract the thief.

Suddenly, three very large black men moved in behind me, next to and in front of me in the empty seats that were available.

Logic says, "the only time another way is necessary to seek out is when current ways are blocked." I know ways to be more creative. Creative ways are "unexploited alternatives," usually in addition to "tradition." So a creative person looks for alternatives, even when there already exists serviceable answers.

I found that formally studying thinking skills has been the most useful to me in developing the ability to communicate my creative abilities...and to invite them to happen with others.

The weirdest thing about getting older is...your peer group starts dying. Relationships that have spanned decades suddenly vanish.

There's a strange routine that happens when people die...and it seems really tragic to me. People recognize how someone dying deserves attention. Every culture offers some recognition of those who are left behind. People feel a responsibility to show up to demonstrate their support...then they leave. It's as if it was a social visit. But it wasn't.

Just so I can attach this to an email...

I have quite a few friends who are passionate and feel responsible to become activists. I am thankful that questions opened by serious issues have inspired involvement and activism on a whole new level.

But really, I hate politics. It's an arena where cultural cliche`and manipulation is at its worst. I do not listen to the news on purpose, because of the sensationalism. I regularly impose a "news-fast" state for myself, mostly through music listening - often music without words.
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